Authors: Dr. Glen Alvin, Prof. Dr. Mike K.S. Chan and Prof. Dr. Thomas Skutella
Publisher: Clinics of Surgery; 5(8), 2021
Publisher's URL:
Authors: Yvonne Cashinn Chia, Clarice Evey Anjum, Hui Rong Yee, Yenny Kenisi, Prof. Dr. Mike K.S. Chan, Prof. Dr. Michelle B.F. Wong and Dr. Shing Yi Pan
Publisher: Stem Cells International; Volume 2020, 2020
Publisher's URL:
Authors: Prof. Dr. Mike K.S. Chan, Michele Zocchi, Dr. Dina Tulina, Anam K. Kour, Lau Cher Rene, Roni Moya and Prof. Dr. Michelle B.F. Wong
Publisher: International Journal of Neurodegenerative Disorders; 3(1), 2020
Publisher's URL:
Authors: Clarice Anjum, Yvonne Cashinn Chia, Prof. Dr. Mike K.S. Chan, Prof. Dr. Michelle B.F. Wong and Dr. Shing Yi Pan
Publisher: Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine; 4(1), 2020
Publisher's URL:
Authors: Clarice Anjum, Yvonne Cashinn Chia, Anam K. Kour, Orn Adalsteinsson, Michael Papacharalampous, Michele L. Zocchi, Isso Kimura, Rakesh Sharma, Leonid Macheret, Benjamin Arthur, Prof. Dr. Mike K.S. Chan and Dr. Shing Yi Pan
Publisher: Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapeutics; 6(2), 2020
Publisher's URL:
Authors: Dr. Roni Moya, Prof. Dr. Mike K.S. Chan, Prof. Dr. Michelle B.F. Wong, Dr. Dmitry Klokol, Yvonne Cashinn Chia and Dr. Pan Shing Yi
Publisher: Journal of Cancer Science & Therapy; 11(9), 2019
Publisher's URL:
Authors: Dr. Dmitry Klokol, Dr. Lingeswran Nallenthiran, Prof. Dr. Mike K.S. Chan, Prof. Dr. Michelle B.F. Wong, Dr. Vladimir Chernykh, Dr. Simon Yefimov, Dr. Yuriy Nalapko and Dr. Shing Yi Pan
Publisher: European Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research; 6(6), 2019
Publisher's URL:
Author: Prof. Dr. Mike K.S. Chan and Prof. Dr. Dmitry Klokol
Published by: Matador,, London
Medical Research: ISBN: 9781789015249
With the arise of chronic, age and lifestyle-related illnesses, overwhelming stress, toxins and pollution, the society began to value more aspects of personal health than mere physical symptoms – the balance and harmony of mind, spirit and body. The society came to realization that it is not enough to eliminate the symptoms of the disease or even to treat the core of the illness. In most of the cases, the end of hospital treatment of the disease is only the beginning of the actual struggle for the patient. Whatever considered to be an accomplished mission from the point of view of medical protocol is only the beginning of the battle for the patient, which he, often left alone, not necessarily wins.
Our experience in research and practice in various parts of Europe and Asia has brought us to conclusion that best definition for the term “biological medicine” is – “common sense medicine”. These therapeutic paradigms are developed, employed and practiced by European Wellness Centers (EWC) – a global network of institutions tied up by the concept of European Biological Wellness. Our philosophy does not support mechanistic approach to the patient but encourages holistic care, promotes therapies stimulating healing and regeneration, and puts wellness as a corner stone of the intended outcomes. Another two integral components of Biological Wellness are maximal safety of the therapeutic modalities and its compatibility with conventional medicine.
Therapeutic paradigms of European Wellness are built on the platform of classical medicine taught and practiced all over Europe. Years spent on gaining experience and collaborating with most prominent European doctors and precise selection of fine treatment modalities from certain Asian traditional medical systems allowed us to formulate a unique system of Biological Wellness that to our knowledge does not have analogues up to date. The core of European Biological Wellness contains principles of biological medicine, which states that the human body is inherently capable of self-healing, and these abilities depend on anatomical, physiological, mental and spiritual balance. Once any component of this integral system is compromised, the occurring imbalance results in the development of disease. While conventional medicine predominantly identifies and emphasizes on symptoms and certain links of pathogenesis, our way of biological wellness, addresses the underlying causes of disease and acts concurrently with any existing treatment, modulates and balances the entire organism and directs it to effective healing and recovery.
The main objective of the book is to offer to the medical community effective holistic diagnosis, detoxification, biological repair and rejuvenation based on the individual needs of the persons and taking into consideration the health status and medical conditions. The book also provides specialized Biological wellness, recovery, and performance enhancement programs for athletes,elderly people, individuals with various untreatable illnesses and congenital disorders with the purpose of improving their general condition and facilitating their primary treatment.
Author: Dr. Dmitry Klokol
Publisher:12th Annual Conference on Nephrology & Urology, Journal of Nephrology & Therapeutics; 7(4), 2017
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Authors: Dr. Dmitry Klokol, Dr. Shing Yi Pan, Prof. Dr. Mike K.S. Chan, Prof. Dr. Michelle B.F. Wong, Dr. Vladymyr Chernykh and Dr. Simon Asche Yefimov
Publisher: Journal of Clinical Immunology and Allergy; 4(1:1), 2018
Publisher's URL:
Published by Berita Publishing, Catalogued in National Library of Malaysia
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Author: Dr. Abdul Halim Abdul Jalil
Published by: FCTI at Matador, Troubador, London, UK Deposited with the British Library and lending libraries
Medical Research: ISBN: 9781785898969
This book presents information about live cell therapy which uses fetal precursor stem cell transplants prepared by the state-of-the-art primary tissue cultures. These precursor stem cells are from foetuses of rabbits coming from accredit closed colonies reared in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC).
Efficacy of renal precursor stem cells in management of chronic kidney disease
Dr. Dmitry Klokol, Prof. Dr. Mike Chan and Prof Dr. Michelle Wong
Journal of Scientific Research and Studies; 3(6), 2016
Author: Prof. Dr. Mike K.S. Chan and Dr. Dymytro Klokol
Published by: Matador,, London
Medical Research: ISBN: 9781838590116
In most of the doctors’ perception the term ‘regenerative medicine’ is associated with tissue reconstruction after severe injuries, burns or trauma. And that is absolutely correct except the fact that tissues and organs deteriorate and lose their function not only due to mechanical or physical damage, but as a result of chronic diseases, inflammation, age-related degeneration as well as genetic abnormalities and cellular dysfunction. The profound understanding of tissue morphology on the cellular level and studying of the ontogenesis open magnificent opportunities to restoration of structural and functional integrity of human organism.
Throughout centuries scientists and healthcare practitioners were in a constant pursuit of longevity—from Avicenna and Paracelsus to Brown-Sequad, Serge Voronoff and Paul Niehans. Not so long ago, in 1990’s, when the term regenerative medicine was tailored by Dr. Leland Kaiser and propagated by William Haseltine it was considered to be a medicine of the Future, «a new branch of medicine will develop that attempts to change the course of chronic disease and in many instances will regenerate tired and failing organ systems», as Dr. Leland Kaiser described it. A new hope spurred up that almost any condition can be at least improved if not cured by means of regenerative medicine, including those cases where conventional medicine is powerless or ineffective.
The Future Dr. Kaiser was talking about is certainly a Present today. Though relatively small amount of practitioners are aware of today’s regenerative medicine capabilities and many still consider it more like science fiction.
This book reveals concepts and protocols of successful approach to regenerative medicine by means of stem cell therapy. It also highlights important aspects of manufacturing and culturing of cell therapy products and administration of different types of stem cells in various systemic disorders.