European Wellness Treatment

Micro Skin & Hair Diagnostic Device
An advance skin dianogtic system with unparalleled technology , fast & easy use with a cloud enabled database of skin images using multi-spectral imaging and proprietary image processing software. Include skin analysis, moisture analysis and hair analysis
30 minutes
Hair Analysis
Make sure client has wash hair and scalp is clean
Intradermal injections according to the protocol: 5-10 procedures (1 time per week).
Hair Analysis
Step 1: Hair analysis is an important element to determine the condition of the hair & Scalp
Step 2: Close up camera will focus onto the scalp to determine the scalp status and number of haor follicles in that given area, this help to determine if you have healty scalp and an average amount or below average amount of hair follicles.
Step 3: Once the condition of scalp and haor follicle is determine, HFR will be injected into scalp using mesotherapy technique. The sixe of the needles gauge is 33 or 34. The injection can be given at different depths- from 1-4 mm into the skin

Eyebrow Embroidery
Using Eyebrow Machine to superficially penetrate epidermis layer and deliver HFR (Hair Follicles Regenerator) to dermis layer. Thus, activate and regrowth eyebrows hair follicles, result of thickened brows.
1 hour 30 minutes
Procedure Phase:
- Start with one side of brow.
- Wipe off numb cream and clean with face cleanse
- Clean brow with Chlorhexidine (antiseptic)
- Put HFR in ring cup
- Don Surgical Glove
- Eyebrow needles to suck HFR liquid from Ring cup.
- Press and spread eyebrow firmly with left hand
- Step on Eyebrow machine foot steps to activate and start needles.
- Try needles on small area of skin to ensure numbing effect.
*If client still can feel the pain, continue apply numb cream for another 10mins* - By using “jump & poke” technic, starting from outer brow to inner brow direction as one complete cycle. Aiming more on bolding area. Run each poke closely for better result.
- Use clean cotton bud to clean off blood stains in brow in there’s any.
- If client feels pain during procedure, 1 drop of middle numb liquid applies to brow with clean cotton bud. Then, clean brow with chlorhexidine. (Middle Numb Cream will take only 5sec to absorb and numb instantly, but client will feels a stinging pain on application site)
- Repeat with 2 cycles as one complete procedure for one brows
- Use cotton stick to spread a thin layer of HGF liquid on brows and leave to dry.
- Repeat steps 2-13 for the other brow.
- Ending the whole procedure with applying placenta serum on both brows to aid fast healing process.
Post Procedure Phase
To advice client post procedure
- Apply HFR liquid twice daily for 2 month
- Come back for another Machine procedure 1 week later
- Contact person in charge if abnormal sign appeared (fever, pain and swollen etc.)
- Do not eat seafood and spicy food for 2 days
- No alcohol for 2 days
- Do not touch or rub brows with hands for 2 days which may cause infection
- Wash face as usual, avoid to apply face wash and face cream on brows for 2 days
- Avoid make up for 2 days
Eyelashes Embroidery
Using Eyelash Machine to superficially penetrate epidermis layer and deliver HFR (Hair Follicles Regenerator) to dermis layer.
1 hour 30 minutes
Procedure Phase:
- Start with one side of eyes.
- Don Surgical glove
- Take suitable amount of numb cream put on cotton pad
- Place left palm on client’s fore head, 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers hold and pull eyelid to expose eyelash rooting area. Do not let go for the whole process of numb cream application.
- Take tiny amount (size of sesame) of numb cream with cotton stick, part by part (as picture below) rub back and forth for 10 times on the eyelash root area. Caution!! Beware!! Make sure Numb Cream do not get in client’s eye! Flash with normal saline if Numb Cream accidentally come in contact with eyeball, stop procedure immediately and observe client’s condition.
- Clean numb cream with Wet cotton bud, then clean with dry cotton bud
- Repeat numb cream application and cleaning procedure (total 2 rounds)
- Clean eyelid with cotton pad + Chlorhexidine
- Eyeliner needles to suck HFR liquid from Ring cup.
- Place left palm on client’s fore head, 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers hold and pull eyelid to expose eyelash rooting area.
- Step on Eyelash machine foot steps to activate and start needles.
- Try needles on small area of skin to ensure numbing effect. *If client still can feel the pain, continue apply numb cream for another 1 round*
- By using “line drawing” technic, start gently draw line with needles part by part -back and forth- 3 times. This as 1 cycle.
- Use clean cotton bud to clean off blood stains on skin if there’s any.
- If client feels pain during procedure, apply middle numb liquid to pain area with cotton stick. Then, clean with wet cotton bud. (Middle Numb Cream will take only 5sec to absorb and numb instantly, but client will feels a stinging pain on application site)
- Repeat with 2 cycles as one complete procedure for one side of eyes
- Use cotton stick to spread a thin layer of HFR liquid on root area and leave to dry.
- Repeat steps 3-17 for the other brow.
- Procedure done.
Post Procedure Phase
To advice client post procedure
- Apply HFR liquid twice daily for 2 month
- Come back for another Machine procedure 1 week later
- Contact person in charge if abnormal sign appeared (fever, pain and swollen etc.)
- Do not eat seafood and spicy food for 2 days
- No alcohol for 2 days
- Do not touch or rub eyes with hands for 2 days which may cause infection
- Wash face as usual, avoid to apply face wash and face cream on eyeslid area for 2 days
- Avoid make up for 2 days

Meso Bio Electroporator
The method is based on the application to an epithelial surface of an electric impulse that is able to generate a transmembrane potential difference of 0.5–1.5 V, giving rise to the phenomenon of poration of cell membranes. The application of an electrical pulse opens the cell membrane, allowing entry of product (high voltage). This effect lasts for seconds, therefore allowing the introduction of substances.
45 minutes
- The treatment includes a session of crystal microdermobrasion that brings about detachment of the horny layer; this is followed by a superficial peeling that is necessary in order to enhance the quality of the treatment
- The second stage consists of the introduction of revitalizing substances (hyaluronic acid, vitamins, peptides, etc.)
- The treatment lasts about 30 minutes, including the pre-peeling and can be repeated after about 1–2 weeks for a cycle of 10 sessions at most.

Halotherapy Respiratory Cleanse
A halogenerator is the machine that breathes life into the salt cave, chamber, or room. It is a unique piece of equipment that provides a safe, effective, form of dry salt therapy. The main benefit of this type of therapy comes from the pure salt that is crushed, ground down, and spread into the air from the halogenerator.
There are some salt caves and salt rooms set up without halogenerators, but they are not authentic. Without a halogenerator, there is no halotherapy (salt therapy). It may have salt décor on the walls and floors, but the only way dry salt therapy can be administered is with the salt being dispersed into the cave, chamber, or room. Additionally, salt room and caves that offer heated Himalayan salts also do not provide any health benefits.
20 – 40 minutes
Salt therapy is not recommended in case of:

Multi Dimensional Neural Entrainment Therapy (THETA CHAMBER)
The modern Theta Chamber is the state-of-the-art version of a design that was originally developed by Loran Swensen in 1989, called the Omega Brain 5000. The Theta Chamber treats anxiety, stress, depression, insomnia, and addictions of all kinds using multiple, powerful treatments in a comfortable, relaxing environment.
Our technology treats neurological issues at their root. The Theta Chamber is designed to induce a person’s brainwave activity referred to the Theta State. This allows the brain to take the majority of its focus off of sensory perception and conscious thought and focus on the subconscious through the biomagnetic field. Specific frequencious are carefully selected for each person and those frequencies are then dispersed throughout every aspect of the Theta Chamber.
60 minutes

Sensory Deprivation Room
Flotation/ floating is where a person float effortlessly in a special pod of epsom salt water. Brain will releases elevated levels of dopamine & endorphins, eliminate tension, improve sleep, efficient rest, muscle relaxation, improve memory, energetic.
40 minutes
When adding liquid to the host, a special person should be present in the liquid. After filling, the water should be shut off immediately (water tap) to avoid short circuit caused by overflow of liquid. The instrument needs to be equipped with special switch.
- Floating bath process: changing clothes, bathing – floating – bathing, changing clothes Floating package
- Recuperation process: changing clothes, bathing → soothing decompression massage → space floating → bath (water shower) → health care therapy → changing clothes

Cryo Chamber
Cryotherapy refers to a physical therapy where the human body is “bathed” in a chamber in liquid nitrogen at -100°C to -180°C. The statistics show that it has a positive impact on both physical and mental health. By releasing the endorphins of the body in the ultra-low temperature, cryotherapy is able to soften your skin, relax your muscle, reduce cellulite, aid recovery as well as strengthen the body function.
60 minutes