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Prof. Mike Chan and Christy Chung Unite for Vibrant 2025 CNY Greetings

For the first time, Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan is joined by a celebrated Hong Kong actress, Christy Chung, to deliver an energetic and heartfelt Chinese New Year message from the European Wellness Premier Center in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Together, they celebrate the spirit of renewal, health, and prosperity, reflecting on shared successes and looking ahead to a year of growth and innovation. Their powerful CNY wishes inspire hope and unity, symbolizing the strength of collaboration and wellness. Tune in to feel the energy and embrace the Year of the Snake with positivity and purpose!

有史以来第一次,香港著名女星钟丽缇与拿督斯里陈革成教授博士共同在马来西亚沙巴州EW欧健亚庇卓越诊治中心,为大家送上活力充沛及真诚的农历新年贺词。一元复始,万象更新,两人共同庆祝健康与繁荣昌盛的新春精神,反思共同的成功,展望在新的一年有创新的成长。 强而有力的新年愿景,激发希望与团结, 象征着协作力量与健康。让我们与二人一起拥抱并感受蛇年的力量, 以积极态度迎接乙巳蛇年。

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