Nanomised Hair Follicle Peptides: A Novel Aesthetic Therapy that Enhances Eyelash and Eyebrow Growth in Women
Authors: Dr. Glen Alvin, Dr. Volodymyr Chernykh and Prof. Dr. Mike Chan
Authors: Dr. Glen Alvin, Dr. Volodymyr Chernykh and Prof. Dr. Mike Chan
Authors: Dr. Glen Alvin, Dr. Vladimir Chernykh and Prof. Dr. Mike Chan Publisher: Journal of Dermatology and Clinical Research; 8(2), 2020 Published URL:
Authors: Dr. Volodymyr Chernykh, Dr. Lingeswran Nallenthiran, Dr. Margarita Yemeliyanova Publisher: Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapeutics; 6(2), 2020 Published URL:
Authors: Dr. Dmytro Klokol, Dr. Lingeswran Nallenthiran, Prof. Dr. Mike Chan, Prof. Dr. Michelle Wong, Dr. Vladimir Chernykh, Dr. Simon Yefimov, Dr. Yuriy Nalapko and Dr. Margaryta Iemelianova Publisher: Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine; 4(2), 2020 Published URL:
Authors: Dr. Volodymyr Chernykh, Dr. Lingeswran Nallenthiran and Dr. Margaryta Iemelianova Publisher: Journal of Stem Cells Research, Development and Therapy; 6(2), 2020 Published URL:
Authors: Dr. Dmitry Klokol, Dr Lingeswran Nallenthiran, Prof. Dr. Mike Chan, Prof. Dr. Michelle Wong, Dr. Vladimir Chernykh, Dr. Simon Yefimov, Dr. Yuriy Nalapko and Dr. Bawani Nesamany Publisher: Obstetrics & Gynecology International Journal; 10(4), 2019 Published URL:
Authors: Dr. Dmitry Klokol, Dr Lingeswran Nallenthiran, Prof. Dr. Mike Chan, Prof. Dr. Michelle Wong, Dr. Vladimir Chernykh, Dr. Simon Yefimov, Dr. Yuriy Nalapko and Dr. Shing Yi Pan Publisher: European Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research; 6(6), 2019 Published…
Authors: Prof. Dr. Mike Chan, Prof Dr. Michelle Wong, Lingeswran Nallenthiran, Dr. Dmitry Klokol, Dr. Vladimir Chernykh, Dr. Simon Yefimov, Dr. Yuriy Nalapko and Dr. Shing Yi Pan Publisher: Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapeutics; 5(2), 2019 Published URL:
Authors: Dr. Dmitry Klokol, Dr. Shing Yi Pan, Prof. Dr. Mike Chan, Prof. Dr. Michelle Wong, Dr. Vladymyr Chernykh and Dr. Simon Asche Yefimov Published at: Journal of Clinical Immunology and Allergy; 4(1:1), 2018 Published URL:
Authors: Prof. Dr. Mike Chan, Prof Dr. Michelle Wong, Dr. Dmitry Klokol, Dr. Henry Pong and Dr. Vladimir Chernykh Published at: International Journal of Current Medical And Pharmaceutical Research; 3(1), 2017 Published URL: