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European Wellness Experts at the Regenerative Medicine Middle East Congress 2023!

European Wellness experts were once again at the forefront of innovation as they brought their expertise to the stage during the Regenerative Medicine Middle East Congress 2023! Speaking to a crowd of more than 100 experts and delegates from all over the world in Harbor Palace Dubai, UAE, European Wellness Chairman Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan, Head of Medical Advisory Board Prof. Dr. Dmytro Klokol, and Medical Advisor Prof. Dr. Yuriy Nalapko presented on some of the latest advancements in anti-aging, cellular therapy, and regenerative medicine.

Their lectures delved into various topics such as neuro developmental/neurodegenerative diseases, organ-specific precursor stem cells, cellular therapy, age reversal, mitochondrial medicine, bioregenerative medicine in neuroscience, and bones senescence, and received widespread acclaim from those in attendance, with Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan in particular being singled out by many of those in attendance, including the moderators, for being the most distinguished speaker at the event! The visionary scientist covered a total of 5 enlightening lectures throughout the 3-day congress.

He was later invited to be a part of an expert panel, joined by Prof. Dr. Dmytro and Prof. Dr. Yuriy, to answer some of the burning questions that others had whilst providing invaluable insight into latest findings.

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