Over the past few years, Prof. Dato' Sri Dr. Mike Chan has truly established himself…

European Wellness Founder Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan official appointment as Chairman of MMJ’s Academia for Biological & Regenerative Medicine
From Europe to USA and now to Japan, Prof Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan continues to prosper as he is now appointed Chairman of Multi-Dimensional Holistic Medical Team Japan (MMJ) Tokyo, Japan where holistic biological innovative and regenerative medicine are developed and presented to promote quality health and longevity.
Alongside Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan, esteemed biological orthodontist and integrative medicine specialist Dr. Isso Kimura and cancer immunotherapy expert Dr. Shinichiro Akiyama will also be serving in the Japanese organisation’s Advisory Board.
Earlier in July, Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan received an official appointment into the European Society of Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine’s (ESAAM; est. 2003) Global Board of Directors, leading the charge of one of Europe’s largest gatherings of prominent scientists, clinicians, academics, professors and doctors in the field.
About MMJ Japan
The Multi-Dimensional Holistic Medical Team Japan (MMJ) is a Japan-based innovative, biological and regenerative medicine-oriented academia of Japanese Physician with ongoing continuous online and offline seminars to widen the knowledge of its principals and overseas training for the medical team as an assurance to finest therapies and first-class quality efficient services in the academia with its certified physician system.

Multi Dimensional Holistic Medical Team Japan
Advisory Board

Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr.Mike Chan
Precursor Stem Cell Therapy Expert

Isso Kimura, PhD DDS
Advisory Board
Biological Dentist

Dr.Shinichiro Akiyama, MD, PhD, FACP
Advisory Board
Cancer Gene & Immunotherapy Expert
MMJ Certified Doctors

Emi Handa M.D.
Internal Medicine
Nutrition therapy

Hirofumi Hayashi M.D.
Internal Medicine

Hiroshi Iizuka M.D.
Psychosomatic Medicine

Katsuhiko Fukuda, MD, PhD
Respiratory, Allergy, Nerve,
Psychosomatic Medicine

Natsu Watanabe M.D.
Plastic surgery

Sayaka Saito M.D.
Psychosomatic Medicine
Internal Medicine

Tsuguharu Takahashi Ph.D.
Plastic Surgery
Orthopedic Surgery

Mareo Naito M.D. PhD
Internal Medicine

Yohei Koide DDS

Takuya Fukuda DDS

Kazuho Sakuma M.D.
Psychosomatic Medicine

Satoko Fukao D.V.M

Hidemasa Fujiwara D.V.M

Osamu Ishida DDS

Yasuhito Mikawa M.D. PhD

Kazunori Furuta M.D.

Maruyama Kenyuki M.D.

Ayumi Kitano M.D. PhD

Nobuhisa Ito M.D.

Hiroshi Tokuda M.D.
Japanese Kampo
Psychosomatic medicine

Masayuki Kitade DDS

Yoshiko Ichikawa M.D.

Keiji Kawai M.D.
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