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SBR-UMS Enter into Research Collaboration
SABAH, MALAYSIA, December, 13, 2022 – A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen Industry-University research collaboration was signed between Stellar Biomolecular Research, a Germany-based biotechnology company affiliated with European Wellness Biomedical Group, and University of Malaysia Sabah (UMS), one of the top institutions of higher learning in Malaysia on 1st December 2022 at Chancellor Building, UMS. It is an important step for promoting collaborative efforts in research between these parties.
In the ceremony held at the UMS, Stellar Biomolecular Research was represented by its Founder and Group Chairman, Professor Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan, whereas Prof. Ir. Dr. Rosalam Hj. Sarbatly, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation of University of Malaysia Sabah was the signatory on behalf of the said university, and this collaboration was witnessed by Professor Dr. Lee Ping Chin, Director of Biotechnology Research Institute, UMS. Dr. Yee Chee Wei was the Principal Investigator on the research project titled “In vitro evaluation of the protective effects of Mito organelles (MO) against amyloid-beta peptide-induced toxicity in human neuroblastoma SHSY5Y cells”.
Neurotrophic properties of Mito organelles (MO) peptides are theorized to slow down the progression of pathological process and neurodegeneration induced by aging while stimulating recovery process. Aimed of this project would be to investigate the potential MO peptides in treating Alzheimer’s disease by studying the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition effects of MO in vitro.
The signing marked a new chapter between both parties as this collaboration was unique and strives to strengthen the knowledge particularly on the treatments for Alzheimer’s disease. In a statement following the signing ceremony, Professor Datuk Dr. Kassim Hj. Mansor, Vice Chancellor of UMS, expressed his enthusiasm for the possibility of beneficial cross-disciplinary research and development as a result of this agreement.
Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan, Founder said,” Working with UMS to assist regional biotechnology research and development is a pleasure for me. And he added, “I hope Stellar Biomolecular Research can help to develop an ecosystem of research, commercialization, and expansion of biotechnology work in Sabah.”

In The News
About European Wellness Biomedical Group
Founded in 1991, EWBG is an award-winning European group most renowned for its pioneering developments in precursor stem cell therapeutics, immunomodulation, biological peptides, and biological regenerative medicine. The Group’s portfolio comprises multinational business divisions that operate in the emerging fields of biological regenerative medicine; and product distribution across 80 countries. The Group also owns a growing network of 26 internationally-accredited Wellness Centers globally. Today, the Group is headquartered in Germany and Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia (Asia Pacific) and its own manufacturing facilities in Germany, Switzerland, United States, United Kingdom and the European Union.
About University of Malaysia Sabah (UMS)
University of Malaysia Sabah (UMS) is an institution of higher education that produces human resources, experts and professionals in a variety of fields with the focus on the quality of graduates, quality of institutions, and quality of the overall system. It was officially established on 24th November 1994 as the 9th public university in the country.
With the vision to strive to be an innovative university of global standing, UMS strives to achieve academic excellence and international recognition through its attention to learning and teaching, research and publications, social services and balance in knowledge specialization.
Ferellica Anne Martin