One of the most pressing global health challenges we face today is Diabetes - especially…

Unlocking the Potential of Cell Therapy to Restore Fertility
A pioneering review by esteemed researchers from European Wellness Biomedical Group including Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan, Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Michelle Wong, Prof. Dr. Dmytro Klokol, and Dr. Margaryta Iemelianova shines new light on the issue of infertility – which impacts up to 20% of couples globally!
Their research faces new frontiers in innovative approaches for addressing infertility, especially “unexplained infertility” – cases without a clear diagnosis. By utilizing regenerative medicine and cell therapy (stem cells and other derivatives) to focus on rejuvenating and restoring the female reproductive system, there is now a glimmer of hope for countless couples around the world.
Read the study here:
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